Transcript: September Astrology Forecast & Seasonal Altar Setup

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Mary: Hey everyone, welcome to The High Priestess Hype Club!

Julie: Hello, hello!

Mary: We've got a September Survival Guide for you on this week's show. A lot is happening in September. We want to discuss what's going on astrologically so you can see how these events might affect you personally. We'll also talk about fall altars and decorating for the season.

Julie: Yeah, let's dive into the astrology first. At the beginning of September, on the 3rd, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus. This will affect our financial and material stability. It’s a time to review our spending and consider canceling unnecessary subscriptions. Unexpected financial events may also pop up, so try to save a little if you can.

Mary: Great advice! On September 2nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo. New Moons are perfect for fresh starts. Virgo energy is great for focusing on health, work, and organizing. If you're looking to set a new habit or work goal, this is the time to do it.

Julie: Absolutely! And then we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18th. Full Moons bring endings or changes, and with an eclipse, things can get intense or chaotic. It might be best to avoid starting anything new during this time unless you're ready for some unexpected outcomes.

Mary: Right, this eclipse energy can be a bit wild. Moving on, at the end of the month, on September 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, which brings a focus on balance and cooperation. It’s also Mabon, the fall equinox, which is a great time for taking stock of what we have as we prepare for the winter.

Julie: Yes, Mabon is about shedding what we don't need and preparing for the colder months. It’s a good time to reflect on what you’re proud of and what you want to let go of before the new year.

Mary: And don't forget Venus entering Scorpio on September 25th, bringing intense, passionate energy to relationships. Mercury enters Libra on September 29th, which is excellent for communications and networking, especially if you’re negotiating or starting new projects.

Julie: Exactly. With all these astrological events, it's essential to stay grounded. Now, let's talk about creating a fall altar. Here are some specific tips to make it unique and meaningful:

  1. Choose a Location: Find a quiet, undisturbed space in your home where you can set up your altar. It could be a small table, a shelf, or even a corner of your desk.

  2. Select an Altar Cloth: Use a cloth in autumnal colors like orange, red, gold, or brown to represent the season. This can be as simple as a napkin, a scarf, or a piece of fabric that feels right to you.

  3. Include Natural Elements: Gather items from nature, like acorns, pine cones, leaves, small pumpkins, or dried flowers. These items bring the energy of the season into your altar. You can collect them during a nature walk or use what you already have at home.

  4. Add Candles: Place candles on your altar to represent the fire element and the warmth of the fall season. Choose candles in fall colors or scents like cinnamon, apple, or pumpkin spice for an added seasonal touch.

  5. Incorporate Symbols of the Elements: You can represent the four elements subtly. For example, a feather or incense for air, a small bowl of water or seashells for water, a rock or crystal for earth, and a candle for fire.

  6. Personalize with Meaningful Items: Add items that have personal significance to you, like family heirlooms, pictures, or items that represent your spiritual practice. These make the altar more personal and powerful.

  7. Use Seasonal Foods: Consider adding seasonal foods like apples, nuts, or a small bowl of spices like cinnamon and cloves to your altar. These can serve as offerings or just enhance the fall theme.

  8. Create a Focal Point: Choose one or two items that serve as the focal point of your altar. This could be a statue, a picture, or a significant crystal.

  9. Keep It Simple: Remember, your altar doesn’t have to be elaborate. It’s more important that it reflects your intentions and brings you joy. Use what you have and what feels right to you.

Mary: Great tips, Julie! And remember, everyone, it's your altar, so make it your own.

Julie: Yes, make it personal. And if you’re doing this undercover, there are subtle ways to represent the elements without being too obvious.

Mary: This was a fantastic episode. Thanks for joining us, everyone. Remember to take care of yourself, and as always, you are magic!

Julie: See you next time! Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook at High Priestess Hype Club. Email us at, and let us know what you think!


Please note that this transcript is generated automatically and may contain errors or inaccuracies. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the original audio recording of the "September Astrology Forecast & Fall. Altar Setup" episode.

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  • Editing: ChatGPT edited the transcript for clarity and conciseness.

  • Copyright: Copyright © 2024 High Priestess Hype Club Co. All rights reserved.

  • Website: Visit our website at for more information.


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