Transcript: Music and Magic

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Mary: Hey Everybody, this is Mary.

Julie: And this is Julie, and you are listening to The High Priestess Hype Club.

Mary: Alright, so here's a story about music. I love all kinds of music, right? Rap, rock, whatever it is, I can listen to it. Being in ceremonies, I’ve listened to all kinds of beautiful, like Celtic music, and also drumming because I’ve been in some other types of ceremonies like Voodoo and Santeria. Here’s the other thing—I am not an early morning person, right? You would think I’d have an alarm set with a Foghorn or something like that, right? But I’ve had music, right? When my brother and I were younger, he was always the one tasked to wake me up because I just couldn't, I didn’t like to get up in the morning.

Julie: Nice combo situation.

Mary: Yes, totally, right? My brother Anthony, he came in one morning, trying to wake me up, and I was like, “Get away from me.” So, at the time, this was like the 80s, I had the record player with the cassette tapes in it, you know, on the radio, like the whole thing with a boombox speaker. Anthony comes in, opens up the cassette player, I hear the cassette close, and he presses play. Out of the speakers, very loudly, comes the blare of bagpipes!

Julie: Oh my God, I just got out of bed!

Mary: I ran after him; he hid behind my mother—my tiny little mother who didn’t know what was happening. All she heard were these bagpipes go off. He’s flying down the stairs, I’m flying down the stairs, and now she’s in between the two of us. I’m ready to kill him, and he’s like, “Mom told me I had to get you up for school!”

Julie: Yeah, that’s amazing. Your older brother hid behind your mother, your tiny Irish Catholic saint of a mother.

Mary: Because he knew I wouldn’t kill him then. But, you know, we were the type of brother and sister that would kill for someone else, but would always be getting into it as kids, you know?

Julie: Right. So today’s episode, just in case you’re wondering, is about music and magick, or music and manifestation—whatever—music and making things happen!

Mary: Yeah! Jules, you were talking offline about this episode. You mentioned a little bit about how you use music in your work, and I’d love to hear more about it.

Julie: I think it’s interesting. I love a lot of music too, and people who know me know I always have music going, all the time. It’s a lot of different genres and kind of depends on the vibe of what’s happening. In some of the work I’ve been doing for myself recently, sometimes I’ll hit on certain lyrics in a song that kind of match up to what’s going on with me. Sometimes, I’ll listen to that song more and really focus on those lyrics as a kind of reinforcement and a focus back to what I’m doing—even if the whole song doesn’t match. Sometimes there’s just lyrics that resonate, maybe that’s just my brain. I’m a bit obsessed with learning all the lyrics to songs that I like to sing.

Mary: Yeah, but you know, that’s not a bad thing. It’s like bringing in an intention with your music.

Julie: Exactly! And there are certain songs that I like that have lyrics I really connect to. When I’m thinking about my work, or need to bring it back to focus, I use it as a focus. Also, when I’m just going through my day, if that song comes on—because I always have a playlist running—it can kind of bring me back to center. Sometimes it’s weird Nordic folk music that I’ve gotten really into recently, or Lo-Fi beats to slay your enemies to, which is great for bad work days. But there’s also instrumental music that I like to put on if I’m trying to get into a headspace. A lot of times, I use Peter Kater or Carlos Nakai, which is kind of standard for what I would use during Reiki. But I also like it if I’m trying to do ritual here, and it feels like, “I’m just in my house, this doesn’t feel special.” Maybe I want it to, so I put my earbuds in, listen to it, and it helps bring that energy in.

Mary: Yeah, well, I love that. Sometimes I forget that music can change the energy of things. The one thing I always remember about music is the songs that have meaning to me; there’s always some kind of emotion, or I get a thought, like a feeling of love or something like that. Especially if you’re trying to manifest things, I think even if you write things down that you want and use a certain musical piece behind it while you’re writing, the energy of the music can just be there.

Julie: Yeah, exactly. You can always layer things in your manifestation work or your magick, you know? So, music in the background, even if you’re like, “I’m just writing this note about what I’m looking for in my new job.” Put some kind of music on in the background that’s going to be about money, or abundance, or whatever you want to manifest.

Mary: I mean, a lot of rappers do that. The essence of it is about talking hype about yourself and having whatever you want, right? That makes perfect sense.

Julie: Yeah, it does. One of my favorite songs lately is Megan Thee Stallion's "Body," which I know came out a few years ago, but she’s so good. And, of course, I saw drag queens dance to it, so I was like, “Oh my God!” But it’s really about empowerment as a woman. Sometimes she says a lyric, and I’m like, “Oh my God, that’s amazing how she wove that together!” Sometimes it just can be that easy.

Mary: You can also use the rhythm of the musician or the artist. Like, Megan Thee Stallion is a strong, powerful woman rapper, and she’s in charge of being powerful in life. If you’re looking for that kind of energy...

Julie: Yes, exactly. There’s a song—because you guys have been like, back in dance—Mary made me look, and she’s like, “You’ve been doing this for almost a year, very consistently.” I needed that hype up, which is another reason why we’re here. One of the songs in dance class, Sierra’s like, “I know I’m cute, I know I’m fly.” And some days, I’m like, “Okay, I’m just going to yell that too, and try to put that energy in there.”

Mary: That’s great. I love that. Your self-talk during this song.

Julie: Yeah, it’s kind of like reinforcement, and even if it’s just the lyrics that match what you’re doing, that’s okay. If you listen to something and it doesn’t seem to match, you don’t have to force it. Just switch it up. It’s all about finding what works for you.

Mary: Totally. And I think to use music as a layer in your magick is so powerful. If you’re doing a focus spell, for instance, something to build your focus, you can use slow-tempo Baroque music. It helps you really focus. On days that I have a hard time focusing for work, if I put that on, it’s like laser focus. It’s really interesting how that works.

Julie: Yeah, that’s it, because it’s working with brainwaves, right? Our brains are so fascinating. How it works, how our emotions connect with it, the subconscious—it’s all so fascinating.

Mary: Absolutely, it's all interconnected. And when you think about it, music has been used in rituals and ceremonies for thousands of years. It’s not something new; it’s something ancient. It connects us to something deeper and brings us into that sacred space.

Julie: Exactly! I think about how different cultures use drums to connect with the Earth or to call in certain energies. The Native Americans have their own way, African tribes have their rhythms, and even in church, there’s this idea of music lifting your spirits.

Mary: Yeah, I think music is one of the most accessible tools we have. You don’t need anything fancy. You don’t need a bunch of crystals or candles. You just need a song.

Julie: That’s so true. And you can literally do it anywhere. If you have your phone or any kind of music device, you can use it. Like, one of the things I do sometimes is use binaural beats when I’m meditating.

Mary: Oh, yeah, binaural beats are amazing for meditation. They help sync the brain's hemispheres and get you into those deeper states of consciousness.

Julie: Yes, and it’s so easy. I have a playlist on YouTube that I just hit play on when I need to get into that space. It’s incredible how it can change your state so quickly.

Mary: I love that. And it’s all about finding what resonates with you. What works for one person might not work for another. You have to experiment and find your own musical magick.

Julie: Exactly, and don’t be afraid to mix it up. Sometimes you might need a really upbeat song to get you motivated, and other times, you might need something more calming and soothing.

Mary: And speaking of mixing it up, let’s talk about using different types of music for different types of manifestation.

Julie: Yes, let’s do that! So, if you’re looking to manifest abundance or prosperity, what kind of music would you suggest?

Mary: For abundance, I would go with something upbeat and positive, like pop music or even some upbeat jazz. Anything that makes you feel joyful and expansive.

Julie: That makes sense. What about for love or relationships?

Mary: For love, I would go with something that has a lot of heart energy, like love songs or even classical music. Something that makes you feel open and receptive.

Julie: I love that. And what about for protection or banishing negativity?

Mary: For protection, I would go with something strong and powerful, like heavy metal or drumming. Something that makes you feel fierce and unshakeable.

Julie: Yes, I love it! Music really is such a versatile tool. You can use it for anything you want to manifest or create in your life.

Mary: Absolutely. And the best part is, you don’t have to be a musician or have any special skills to use it. You just have to listen and let the music work its magick.

Julie: That’s so true. So, to all our listeners out there, we encourage you to start experimenting with music in your magickal practice. Find what resonates with you and see how it can enhance your work.

Mary: And let us know how it goes! We’d love to hear your experiences and what kinds of music you’re using in your practice.

Julie: Yes, please share with us! We love hearing from you. And remember, the most important thing is to have fun with it. Magick is meant to be joyful and creative, so don’t be afraid to play around and see what works for you.

Mary: Absolutely. Well, I think that’s all we have for today. Thank you so much for listening, and we hope you enjoyed this episode on music, manifestation, and magick.

Julie: Yes, thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we can’t wait to connect with you again next time.

Mary: Until then, stay magical, everyone!

Julie: Stay magical!


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